Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Wednesday, 24 July:
21:00: Concert by students of Marcela Iguanzo accompanied on piano by Pedro Aguiló. Town hall terrace.
21:00: All-star three-a-side basketball. Sports centre.

Friday, 26 July:
11:00: Choreography and musical exhibition from Campus Dance. Plaça Major.
14:00: Firing of rockets and ringing of bells. Followed by street procession with the Soldà bugle band. Plaça de Monti-sion.
20:00: Martial arts exhibition. Plaça Major.
20.30: Street procession with the band of drums and bugles.
21:00: Start of exhibition by new local artists. Club Pollença.
22:00: Oration for the fiestas and concert by the Pollensa band of music and then procession. Sant Domingo cloister.


Saturday, 27 July:
18:00: The first Patrona race. A course of 7,400 metres from the children's playground in C. Cecilio Metelo.
19:00: Giants gather in the Via Pollentia followed by procession.
19:30: Benefit party and supper with music and market. Joan March gardens.
19:45: Tournament between Madrid, Barcelona and Betis football fan clubs. Sports centre.
20:00: Puppets. For kids. "Les fades de la Bella Dorment". Plaça Vella.
20:30: Trial bikes evening, with musical accompaniment featuring the voice of Marian Oliver. C. de la Reina Maria Cristina.
21:30: Folk dance with Ballets de Catalunya and Racó de Tramuntana. Plaça Major.
22:00: Benefit concert Cap Pela. Sant Domingo cloister. Price, 10 euros.
22:30: Decibels Festival 2013. Ca'n Escarrintxo. 15 euros.

Sunday, 28 July:
09:30: Pollensa photography marathon. Plaça Major. Price, 5 euros.
18:30: Rugby tournament in the Via Pollentia.
19:00: Children's themed party. Plaça de ca les Monnares.
22:00: Revolver in concert with special guest, Jaume Anglada. Sant Domingo cloister. Price, 25 euros.
22:00: Ballroom dance with the Jaume Sureda Orquestra and Quartet Phoenix. Plaça Major.
22:00-02:00: Party with Pollensa DJs. Plaça de ca les Monnares.

Monday, 29 July:
19:00: Children's entertainment with the group Cucorba (followed by ice-creams). Plaça de ca les Monnares.
21:30: Farmers' dance with the Pollensa school of dance and Ballugall. Plaça Major.
22:00: Crisi elevada a 66. Theatre. Sant Domingo cloister. Price, 5 euros.
23:45: Party in the Ca la Gran Cristiana gardens with Toni Llobera and Balater. (The party's theme this year is spectacles, so go wearing glasses.)

Tuesday, 30 July:
10:00-19:00: Table games. Joan March gardens.
18:30: Children's Marxa Fresca (white party) with performance by Martta and the youngest local DJs. For children from 5 to 14. Plaça Vella.
22:00: Pollensa evening with Maria Magdalena Tomila and Felip Munar. Sant Domingo cloister.
22:00: Concert with Top Models Revisited, Paul Collins Beat and 3 Penics. Plaça Major.

Wednesday, 31 July:
19:30: XOP Parc. Foam and music party for children. Plaça de ca les Monnares.
21:30: Music, theatre, poetry for Patrona. Sant Domingo cloister. Price, one euro.
23:30: Marxa Fresca (white party) with DJs Tomeu Perelló and Toni Llobera. Plaça Major.

Thursday, 1 August:

19:00: Children's games. Plaça de ca les Monnares.
20:00: Procession with the Pollensa band of drums and bugles and the municipal band.
21:00. Theatre for senior citizens with the group Terra Nostra. Sant Domingo cloister.
22:30: Night party with The Doldrums, Geminis, Tomeu Penya, La Loca-Motora. Plaça Major.

Friday, 2 August (Patrona):
05:00: The Alborada. Plaça Major, town hall, Plaça de ca les Monnares, Via Pollentia and other locations in Pollensa plus Plaça Miquel Capllonch in Puerto Pollensa.
11:00: Mass and dance by the Cossiers. Parish church.
12:15: Cossiers dance. Plaça Major
12:45: Performance by the Pollensa band of music. Monti-sion church.
13:00: Refreshments for all. Town hall.
17:00: Procession with the Soldà band of drums and bugles.
17:30: Procession with the old image of Patrona.
19:00: Re-enactment of the battle between Moors and Christians.
21:30: Thanksgiving. Song of joy by Costa i Llobera. Interpretation of the Alborada and "Visca Pollença" by the Pollensa music band.
24:00: Fireworks. At the Costa i Llobera monument.

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