Sunday, November 19, 2006

MUSIC - Alcudia / GUIDED WALK - Alcudia

21 November: Music from the group Trio Biedermeier. Spanish guitar and violin. Time: 10:30 (am). Place: Auditorium Alcudia. Free. To reserve, phone: 971 89 71 85

22 November: Saint Cecilia Day: Youth Orchestra of the Municipal School of Music. Time: 20:00. Place: Auditorium Alcudia. Free.

23 November: Guided walk to the Puig Penya del Migdia. Lasts three hours. Difficulty: high. Time: 10:00. Place: Leaves from in front of the Sant Jaume church, Alcudia. To reserve: 971 89 71 00 / 607 91 70 86 / 971 54 63 64


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